YIN Wanjian

Group Website:www.comates.group  




2009   Ph.D. in Theoretical Physics, Fudan University, Shanghai, China

           Thesis: Computational Study of Complex Condensed Matter Systems    

           Advisor: Xin-Gao Gong

2004   B.S. in Physics, Department of Physics, Fudan University, Shanghai, China


Academic Experience 

2019              Adjunct Professor, Beijing Graphene Institute (BGI), China

2015 –              Professor, School of Energy, Soochow University, China

  Head, Department of Theory and Computational Science,

  Soochow Institute of Energy and Materials Innovations (SIEMIS), China

2014 – 2015     Research Associate, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, USA

2011 – 2013     Research Assistant Professor, Dept. of Phys. and Astro., University of Toledo, USA

2009 – 2011     Postdoctoral Researcher, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Golden, USA



2020                  Jiangsu Outstanding Young Award Funding during years 2020-2023

                          “Theoretical and Computational Design of Solar Cell absorbers”

2020                  NSFC award  during years 2020-2023

                         “Developing Defect Calculation Approach via Combining GW and DFT”

2020                  MOST Program during years 2020-2024

                         “10000 hours Perovskites Solar Cell (Theory)”

2020                  Double Talent Team Award during years 2020-2023

                         “Flexible and Wearable Electronics”

2016                  MOST program during years 2016-2020

                         “Material Genome Project for Photovoltaics: Program and Database”

2016                 NSFC award during years 2016-2020

                         “Theoretical Investigation of Ion Diffusion in Perovskite Solar Cell Materials and Its Impact on Stability”

2016                 NSFC award  during years 2016-2019

                         “Theoretical Design of New Non-toxic Stable Perovskite for Solar Cell Application”

2016                 Jiangsu Province Research Funding during year 2016-2019

                         “Smart Algorithm for Searching New Perovskite Materials for Photovoltaic Application”      

Research Interests

1. Defect Physics

2. Materials Design 

3. Graphene Growth

Selected Publications

(citations: 8000+)

1) Simple descriptor derived from symbolic regression accelerating the discovery of new perovskite catalysts

B. Weng#, Z. Song#, R. Zhu, Q. Yan, Q. Sun, C. Corey, Y. Yan*, W.-J. Yin*

Nature Communications 11, 3513 (2020)

2) Passivating Detrimental DX Centers in CH3NH3PbI3 for Reducing Nonradiative Recombination and Elongating Carrier Lifetime

J. Wang, W. Li, W.-J. Yin*

Advanced Materials 32, 1906115 (2020)

3) Thermodynamic Stability Landscape of Halide Double Perovskites via High-Throughput Computing and Machine Learning

Z. Li, Q. Xu, Q. Sun. Z. Hou and W.-J. Yin*

Advanced Functional Materials 29, 1807280 (2019)

4) Materials Design of Solar Cell Absorbers Beyond Perovskites and Conventional Semiconductors via Combining Tetrahedral and Octahedral Coordination

J. Wang, H. Chen, S.-H. Wei and W.-J. Yin*

Advanced Materials 31, 1806593 (2019)

5) Oxide perovskites, double perovskites and derivatives for electrocatalysis, photocatalysis, and photovoltaics

WJ Yin#, B Weng#, J Ge#, Q Sun, Z Li, Y Yan*

Energy & Environmental Science 12, 442-462 (2018)

6) Bandgap Engineering of Stable Lead-Free Oxide Double Perovskites for Photovoltaics

Q Sun, J Wang, WJ Yin*, Y Yan*

Advanced Materials, 30 (15), 1705901 (2018)

7) Thermodynamic Stability Trend of Cubic Perovskites

Q Sun, WJ Yin*

J. Am. Chem. Soc., 139 (42), 14905-14908 (2017)

8) Unique properties of halide perovskites as possible origins of the superior solar cell performance

Wan-Jian Yin*, Tingting Shi and Yanfa Yan*

Advanced Materials 26, 4553 (2014).

9) Unusual defect physics in CH3NH3PbI3 perovskite solar cell absorber

Wan-Jian Yin*, Tingting Shi, Yanfa Yan*

Applied Physics Letters 104, 063903 (2014).

10). Wan-Jian Yin, Su-Huai Wei, Mowafak Al-Jassim, Yanfa Yan*

Double-Hole-Mediated Coupling of Dopants and Its Impact on Band Gap Engineering in TiO2

Physical Review Letters 106, 066801 (2011)
