


Physics of Semiconductor DevicesSyllabus

Course ID:         PHYS2028-09WZ05-1


Hours:            (2+2)*17=68

The type of course:  specialized course

Student objects:undergraduate students

Lecturer:Xue-Feng Wang

Update date:October 27, 2023

Prerequisite courses:   quantum mechanics, statistical physics, solid state physics

 Text Book:      Semiconductor Devices: Physics and Technology, S. Sze, 3rd, Wiley, 2001.

Content outline: Fundamentals of semiconductor physics; PN junction theory; Bipolar junction transistors fundamental operation, current components, gains, emitter efficiency, base transport, high-and low current effects, base-width modulation, small-signal modeling, large-signal modeling, frequency characteristics, power characteristics, switch and noise characteristics; Metal-oxide- semiconductor field effect transistor MOS capacitor, basic principles of MOSFET, threshold voltage, strong inversion, weak and moderate inversion, static behavior, dynamic behavior, and equivalent circuits, metal-oxide-semiconductor field effect transistor small-geometry effects, short-channel effect, some secondary effects, deep submicron MOSFET.

Syllabus Description

  1. Course objectives and tasks

 This course provides the students with theoretical and practical background for understanding the fundamentals of modern semiconductor devices.

2. Course basic request

Through the study of the course, students would develop a better and in-depth understanding of the semiconductor physics associated with junction diodes, transistors, field effect transistors, and develop the skills necessary to analyze the electrical characteristics and operation of semiconductor devices.

  1. Related to other courses

This course is one of the specialty courses for electrical science & technology major and microelectronics major, and is tightly related to other specialty courses. This course also serves as the introduction course for other advanced semiconductor device courses.

4. Course property and suitable objects

Compulsory for electrical science & technology major and microelectronics major.

Course outline content

Chapter 0 Introduction

semiconductor Devices,  semiconductor Technology


Chapter 1 Energy Bands and Carrier Concentration in Thermal Equilibrium

semiconductor Materials,  basic Crystal Structures,  valence bonds,  energy bands,  intrinsic carrier concentration,  donors and acceptors

Chapter 2 Carrier Transport Phenomena

carrier drift,  carrier diffusion,  generation and recombination processes continuity equation,  thermionic emission process,  tunneling process,  space charge effect,  high-field effects  


Chapter 3 p–n Junction

thermal equilibrium condition,  depletion region,  depletion capacitance,  current-voltage characteristics,  charge storage and transient behavior,  junction breakdown,  heterojunction  

Chapter 4 Bipolar Transistors and Related Devices

transistor action,  static characteristics of bipolar transistors,  frequency response and switching of bipolar transistors,  non-ideal effects,  heterojunction bipolar transistors,  thyristors and related power devices  

Chapter 5 MOS Capacitor and MOSFET

MOS capacitor, basic principles of MOSFET , threshold voltage, strong inversion, weak and moderate inversion, static behavior, dynamic behavior, and equivalent circuits

Chapter 6 Advanced MOSFET and Related Devices

MOSFET scaling,  CMOS and BICMOS,  MOSFET on insulator,  MOS memory structures,   power MOSFET

Chapter 7MESFET and Related Devices

Metal-semiconductor contacts,  MESFET,  MODFET

Chapter 8Microwave Diodes; Quantum-Effect and Hot-Electron Devices

Microwave frequency bands,  tunnel diode,  IMPATT diode,  transferred-electron devices,  quantum-effect devices,  quantum-effect devices,  hot-electron devices

Chapter 9 Light-Emitting Diodes and Lasers

Radiative transitions and optical absorption,  light-emitting diodes,  various light-emitting diodes,   semiconductor lasers  

Chapter 10 Photodetectors and Solar Cells

photodetectors,  solar cells,  silicon and compound-semiconductor solar cells,  third-generation cells,  optical concentration  


Chapter 11 Crystal Growth and Epitaxy

Silicon crystal growth from the melt,  silicon float-zone process,  GaAs crystal-growth techniques,  material characterization,  epitaxial-growth techniques,  structure and defects in,  epitaxial layers  

Chapter 12 Film Formation

Thermal oxidation,  chemical vapor deposition of dielectrics,  chemical vapor deposition of polysilicon,  atomic layer deposition,  metallization  

Chapter 13 Lithography and Etching

Optical lithography,  next-generation lithographic methods,  wet chemical etching,  dry etching  

Chapter 14 Impurity Doping

Basic diffusion process,  extrinsic diffusion,  diffusion-related processes,  range of implanted ions,  implant damage and annealing,  implantation-related processes

Chapter 15 Integrated Devices

Passive components,  bipolar technology,  MOSFET,  technology,  MESFET technology challenge for nanoelectronics  
