



中国苏州大学能源与材料创新研究院(SIEMIS)二维范德瓦尔斯合成(化学气相沉积-CVD)博士后公开招聘。SIEMIS是一个拥有最先进设备的新机(http://siemis.suda.edu.cn/wbout/list.htm)。 职位为期三年,在此期间将进行多学科的研究,二维材料的合成和表征。工资将根据博士后薪资预先确定,职位期满考核通过,有机会申请苏大教师岗职位。
•· 使用拉曼光谱,扫描电子显微镜,像差校正透射电子显微镜(可提供培训)等来表征材料。
·  为新组员提供必要的培训。
·  最近获得材料科学与工程、化学或类似领域的博士学位。
·  在二维材料的化学气相沉积和表征方面具有丰富的经验。
·  具有在材料表征技术方面的经验。
·  能够独立完成项目目标,完成最后期限,解决问题,发展科学思想。
·  能够在多元化的团队中进行协作和工作,并愿意为团队的共同目标做出贡献。
·  具有优秀的口头和书面沟通以及人际交往能力。
·  具有使用透射电子显微镜和/或扫描电子显微镜的经验。
·  具有二维材料的CVD经验
如需了解更多详情或咨询,请联系Mark H rummeli教授,并将最新的英文简历发送至邮箱:mhr1@suda.edu.cn 

CVD Postdoctoral Scholar

Position Summary:
There is a postdoctoral opening for a 2D van der Waals synthesis (Chemical Vapor Deposition –CVD) Postdoctoral Scholar at the Soochow Institute for Energy and Materials InnovationS (SIEMIS) at Soochow University, Suzhou, China. SIEMIS is a new institute with new state of the art equipment (http://siemis.suda.edu.cn/wbout/list.htm). The position is for three years. This role will carry out multidisciplinary research 2D materials synthesis and characterization. Salary will be predetermined based on postdoctoral step rates.

What You Will Do:
• Establish synthesis of hetero 2D van der Waals synthesis by CVD for lateral and vertically stacked systems 
• Characterize the materials using Raman spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy, aberration corrected transmission electron microscopy (training can be provided) etc. 
• Analyze and interpret experimental results.
• Prepare project reports, presentations, and manuscripts, and present results in internal and external meetings.
•Direct Master’s and Bachelors student researchers.
•Collaborate with other Postdoctoral Scholars and PhD researchers.
•Support and contribute to the development of research project ideas and proposals.

Additional Responsibilities as needed:
•Provide necessary training to new group members.

What Is Required:
•Recent Ph.D. in Materials Science and Engineering, Chemistry, or similar field.
•Strong demonstrated experience in 2D materials synthesis by CVD and characterization.
•Experience in material characterization techniques.
• Ability to work independently to achieve project goals, meet deadlines, solve problems, and develop scientific ideas.
•Ability to collaborate and work in a diverse team and willingness to contribute to the shared goals of the team.
•Excellent verbal and written communication, and interpersonal skills.

Additional Desired Qualifications:
•Experience in using transmission electron microscopy and/or scanning electron microscopy.
• Experience with CVD of 2D van der Waals materials

Information and Application:
For further information or to apply please contact Prof. Mark H Rummeli and send a recent copy of your CV to email: mhr1@suda.edu.cn

The posting shall remain open until the position is filled.
