
赵杰博士与邹贵付教授等合作在J. Mater. Chem. A上发表研究论文


标    题: Design and synthesis of functional ionic liquids based on pyrrolidinium cations bearing alkyl nitrile moieties

作    者: Shan Cong, Yun Wang, Qinghua Yi, Jie Zhao,* Yinghui Sun, Mingrong Shen and Guifu Zou*

论文摘要: A series of functional ionic liquids based on pyrrolidinium cations bearing alkyl nitrile moieties have been designed, synthesized and charactered with high purity and yield. The influence of the anion structure and methylene chain length of alkyl nitrile moieties on the thermal properties of functional ionic liquids is comprehensively investigated. Moreover, some of them show obvious plastic crystal phase behaviors with rotational disorder and activated vacancies/defects, which can offer a solid bulk matrix for doping 1-propyl-3-methylimidazolium iodine (PMII), LiI an I2 to prepare for plastic crystal electrolytes with high melting points and conductivity. Furthermore, the resulting solid-state dye-sensitized solar cell (DSSC) exhibits a power conversion efficiency (PCE) of 5.22% under the simulated air mass 1.5 solar spectrum illuminations at 100 mW cm-2, and displays a superior long-term stability than conventional liquid-based devices. These results offer us a feasible method to explore new organic plastic crystals and electrolytes for high temperature solid-state DSSCs.

原文链接: http://pubs.rsc.org/en/Content/ArticleLanding/2014/TA/C4TA04523H
