新葡的京集团350vip8888特聘教授。本科及硕士毕业于清华大学机械工程系,2011年9月毕业于日本京都大学材料科学与工程系,获工学博士学位。毕业后先后担任京都大学材料科学与工程系的特定研究员、特定助教,并于2015年4月晋升特定副教授。2019年9月加入新葡的京集团350vip8888。长年从事质子传导性陶瓷材料的基础物性及应用研究,回国前主持过1项日本学术振兴机构(JSPS)的青年研究者(若手)科研费项目,以及2项日本企业财团的助成金项目,并参与多项NEDO及日本企业的合作项目。在Advanced Materials,Journal of Materials Chemistry A,Chemsuschem等期刊上发表论文30余篇。
Donglin HAN*, Tetsuya UDA*, Correlation between Phase Behavior and Electrical Conductivity of 10% Y-Doped BaZrO3: An Anomalous Dispersion Effect-Aided Synchrotron Radiation XRD Study Combined with TEM Observation and Electrochemical Analysis, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 11(4), 3990-4000, 2019.
Donglin HAN*, Shigeaki UEMURA, Chihiro HIRAIWA, Masatoshi MAJIMA, Tetsuya UDA*, Detrimental Effect of Sintering Additive on Conducting Ceramics: Yttrium-Doped Barium Zirconate,ChemSusChem, 11(23), 4102-4113, 2018.
Donglin HAN*, Tetsuya UDA*,The Best Composition of an Y-Doped BaZrO3 Electrolyte: Selection Criteria from Transport Properties, Microstructure, and Phase Behavior, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 6(38), 18571-18582, 2018.
Donglin HAN*, Kohei KATO, Tetsuya UDA*, La2(Nb1-xYx)2O7-δ: Discovery of a Novel Fluorite Structure-Based Ionic Conductor, Chemical Communications, 53(94), 12684-12687, 2017.
Donglin HAN*, Junji IIHARA, Shigeaki UEMURA, Kenji KAZUMI, Chihiro HIRAIWA, Masatoshi MAJIMA, Tetsuya UDA*, A High Temperature Reduction Cleaning (HTRC) Process: A Novel Method for Conductivity Recovery of Yttrium-Doped Barium Zirconate Electrolytes,Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 4(27), 10601-10608, 2016.
Donglin HAN*, Kozo SHINODA, Shigeo SATO, Masatoshi MAJIMA, Tetsuya UDA*, Correlation between Electroconductive and Structural Properties of Proton Conductive Acceptor-Doped Barium Zirconate,Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 3(3), 1243-1250, 2015.
Donglin HAN*, Kozo SHINODA, Susumu TSUKIMOTO, Hisao TAKEUCHI, Chihiro HIRAIWA, Masatoshi MAJIMA, Tetsuya UDA*, Origins of Structural and Electrochemical Influence on Y-Doped BaZrO3 Heat-treated with NiO Additive, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2(31), 12552-12560, 2014.
Donglin HAN, Kyosuke KISHIDA, Kozo SHINODA, Haruyuki INUI, Tetsuya UDA*, A Comprehensive Understanding of Structure and Site Occupancy of Y in Y-Doped BaZrO3, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 1(9), 3027-3033, 2013.
Donglin HAN, Tetsuya UDA*, Yoshitaro NOSE, Toshihiro OKAJIMA, Hidenobu MURATA, Isao TANAKA, Kozo SHINODA, Tetravalent Dysprosium in a Perovskite-type Oxide, Advanced Materials, 24(15), 2051-2053, 2012.